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8月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

米中戦争を見据えた投資戦略 - CNBC Halftime Report

Tech is back because tech is working in tech is empowering the digitization of America that's not changing every time we get the story that we're going to roll out of tech and devalue it works for three or four days and then we go right back to what's really happening in the economy, which is tech platform driving digitization not only domestically, but globally it's happening all around the world. And these companies are the ones that are empowering us so that investment theme is going to be strong right through 2021.  テックが復活しているのは、テック株がアメリカのデジタル化を後押ししているからです。ロールアウトして価値が下がるという話が出てきても、それはせいぜい3日〜4日でおさまり、そのあとはすぐに実体経済の水準まで戻るのです。この動きは国内だけではなく、グローバルで同様の動きになっています。これらの企業(テック株)は、私たちに力を与えてくれていますので、この投資のテーマは2021年の間までは強いものになるでしょう。 Now the Russell, that's going to be interesting if you can find companies because the rustle itself actually has no return on assets, most of the companies there don't make any money but if you can find a mid cap company that has all of its suppl